Friday, 8 February 2013

We Try To Be ....

Waiting for valentine week ... here it is ~~
Well we all have grown to become a big modern, civilized and innovative, I don't see an issue in being once rather the trend suggests being as said "changing with time is the key to survival". But lost in the big hole of competition, show off and tender liking for humanity, we have lost the track of being what we are.
God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.  ~William Shakespeare can't curse the other face and say it has no evidence in today's world well it stays much of importance than being a good person ( :P) !!! I saw this movie ABCD (Bollywood) - hardly makes good movie!! But this one was a worth show, the reason stands the effect of convincing that how being ethical, following the correct path, believing in GOD can make you the winner at the end of the match! (LOL) The question is does it really exists or just a filmy drama: O

Now I would answer it by again connecting it to the beginning line say Valentine... A celebrator who has been purchasing gifts or preparing the pomp's and shows must answer me "did you go for celebrating republic day, just a month ago?"
Alas! I knew it! (Neither did I) and the reason is: “I don't find it WORTH!”
So we say we are generation next celebrating teacher’s day to father's day to some mother -in -law day too ... but it takes hell lot of effort to even remember whether 26 Jan is a republic or Independence Day! I would again shut your finger down by repeating, that it is not bad to be modern, know more, think in a better educated civilized way but yes it should be not biased or restricted to only the side in trend!
I love my country so I feel a bit emotional to the republic word (LMAO) but I do not mean to tell you to follow the Indian Events but I feel that it is very important to
1. be equal
2. Know the roots
3. Not follow TREND but instinct
Now a days the child of age 10 knows about girl friend system but hardly knows the story of our beloved Goddess Parvati
Knows the harry potter series but is least aware of panchatantra stories
Knows how to operate a upgraded mobile handset but a little about reading the mother language HINDI
I do not object the development towards the better trends but it is a misconception that says that children brought up in the trendy ways would have better style of living, more competitive and better KIDS
Refreshing our old kids were not Idiots we had geniuses in every field let it be math’s to literature to any!!
Well a balance and equilibrium should be maintained with a little trench of old school teaching to a little spice of modern ups

The thing we have not aped is ETHICS because we thought that we are already good at it so totally ignored it as an old school theory and jumped to a new one!
Respecting a girl , being honest , not killing someone for your own benefits, having healthy competition,  sports man ship is more over a subjects knows as moral science  in schools !( sob)
Everything had big fat bad baby and a good angle so the concept of nuclear families did made things Independent and more civilized but the old concept had its own good paternal grandmother and father to teach the new kid how to lead a perfect life without being a selfish worm !
So this time when you scroll your laptop to be a good son or daughter by wishing your parent's for events like happy " anniversary , birthday , mothers/fathers " day ... do search a little about something known as lord Rama, Diwali , why we celebrate holi or how did India got free from English rulers ! This will help you to be rich in a subject known as ETHICS as the fact still remains that our country is really rich in heritage and before the foreigners come and learn it, you grab your hand and be real MODERN baby, kiddo, the teen or a fancy adult!! Who knows the right and wrong! Who can teach how to score best in competition and become a smart grasshopper but not harm the other in the same race! To be a boss of respect women and not be a dog to look at his secretary as a making out object!!

Guys we need to be modern but NOT forget what we were famous for!!!
"Trying to be someone, wastes the person what you are"

PS: I really love my country and love to celebrate Valentine week!