Friday 26 August 2016

My Scoot-ing 1,234.8 KMs

We are adventurous gear-less bikers,who took a troll of covering Delhi to Ranchi on our #Honda activa in Jan 2015.
I never thought of penning it down, but now have planned another.  The adrenal rush and excitement was the new plan. 
Day1: we took off at around 12 pm from Delhi on our Activa Scooter and had decided to not to travel in night hence had to cover till Agra and deiced to spend our night their. The first day was in-itself tiring and we were exhausted.After taking a quick dinner we took sweet naps 
Day2: However we were still tired, we decided to leave early and just wanted to have a glimpse of The Taj Mahal,it didn't happen, we were on a plan-schedule to adhere and 6 am was perhaps too chilling and cold for deserted roads! So we took off without ado.Riding to next 600 km was our target and drove to the NH19, each toll, river, flyover, pond, farm was splendid in itself. We saw a remarkable difference in temperature as we touched Allahabad from Chilling it grew to cozy warm! We stopped for lunch in a local dhabba and I still have watering mouth thinking about the sumptuous food we had! We were not leftwith 180 Kms to reach varanasi 
Varanasi-the land of GODS,yeah that sanity! The moment we hit the road to the city,GOD had a different plan. We were already tired and were counting every kilometer as an inspiration when it started raining like cats and dogs,yes i have been to rain before but this time in 60km/hr speed it was like a machine gun hitting our face and we were not prepared. Drenched in water we reached the town, went for shopping, bought new cloths and threw old(space was a constrain) eat the best dinner at Lemon Grass Fine Dine & Lounge Bar. Yes it was a long night. And we slept like a log
We enjoyed Ganga ghat, bread butter and tea and the beautiful boat ride at Varanasi and took the scooter to cover the last lap of 414Kms. Tired,back-ache,numb bums still the enthusiasm was the same!!! We enjoyed the local food and the greenery around the whether was in favour with cool breeze hitting our face. We were so much covered jackets that I remember that we almost hit the bee hive and had thousands of bees stinging on my jacket,but i was so much layered that their stings could not touch my skin (Thank God!).
It was around 4 PM when we reached Bodhgaya. The city was mesmerizing and the landscape had changed from plain roads to hills in the distance.It was another 214KM to reach and we took a call, through not that safe place to ride at night but reckoned that if we rush ,we may be able to cross the naxal belt before 7PM
I reckon that decision was uncalled for we should have stayed at Bodhgaya but then we took off and drove like a kamikaze.Trust me Ramghar to Ranchi road is addictive, beautiful and perhaps better that Delhi-Agra Highway!!! 
I would like to thank my partner +Siddharth Singh Negi for sometime being the pillion rider and most of the times riding me though this wonderful experience! Cheers!!!
Oh we reached Ranchi at 11PM and i still think that it is an ACHIEVEMENT!

Wednesday 3 June 2015

You Will Always be Blessed

She closed her eyes and again felt the same tussle in her heart! Yes being a girl she knew she has to do a lot especially in India. She would have to learn how to behave, eat, sleep, drink, study and why? Not because she has a future to breed and develop just because she is a bharti nari and at the end of the day has to serve her family, give birth to children and a boy baby is a must in the list!!
So everything leads to marriage right! Kaire was little different from the lot. She always wanted to see her extreme! People said she was crazy but her best bud Ram had a different way of looking into the whole scenario. He was quite sure that Kaire was not crazy but a free bird!

Years passed Ram and Kaire hardly met post their schooling , they both moved to two different directions, Kaire did her studies to enhance her resume for marriage and Ram chased his dreams , Kaire always celebrated her life and called for a toast but hardly anyone in her entire clan or would use a better word "family" knew her actually . She was pretentious and brave, kind at heart and little rough when she uses to lose her cool. But then as always said nothing is perfect and so was Kaire!

Kaire always did what her mind commanded, not that great with expression or indeed  Kaire was stupid! Not that smart to cheat and hurt. Way simple in her own complex word of love, live, forget, forgive! And Ram was strange to his own world generous, smart, and hardworking and had patience.

It’s often said that life is just not bed of roses and these two old friends met each other in the very same old way! When they met, they met for different purpose not to enjoy or cherish but as the robotic world climbs on seeking need based help. Ram had called Kaire for a help, but she rarely knew that this help would turn her world upside down …. Take her through the roller coaster of her life time!!
Kaire and Sham was happy couple! Saw each other with hopeful eyes and were purposeful in life!! Sham found it a little difficult to the way Kaire was, she believed in making one person her world! Seek for Sham shoulder every night and wait for him still he finishes his party! She did not count starts nor wanted moon. She was hungry for love and care! Her heart was a tender sheep and her brain was a loud lion. Sham was a beautiful person but was not unique like her, lived in his own shell of yes-no, good-bad, must-not, perfect-nasty and explored Kaire in his own doom. But for Kaire, sham exploring was enough, till death.

Sham was happy man and trusted on Kaire, more than his life! More than him and on those words went overseas for research! Kaire was lost now, looking at the fact that Sham has left, made her sad; she had lot of acquaintances but no friends as she never felt the need of one and she found herself to be up against the cruel world. She kept on waiting... Waiting for Sham and hopeful and delightful but felt void inside!! Empty and restless!! Hopeful but senile!! Tear always ran when she thought about Sham and seldom had she spoken to him as Sham was now busy in his new word!

Kaire was now lonely! Ram and Kaire did know each other from long, but hardly met, this time she called Ram for a small favor. She requested him to spend some time as she was hallow inside and was dying to meet a friend. Ram was supportive, active and caring, the moment he heard that Kaire needs him rushed off to her and there is when Kaire thinks it started.

Day and night they started sharing and caring , felt each other’s pain , need for care , life of love and knew were team .
Ram and Kaire were standing on the edge of Delhi. Kaire “Ram you know what tomorrow is Saturday, you know let us go to Haridwar!! “ Ram was quite surprised but had a lion heart “well I can, will you be able, and it’s not a joke! And also we do not have money …” “come one Ram, let’s not think let us just do it, and why Haridwar, let’s go to Mussorie” Said Kaire with spark in her eyes, since Sham had left her life was too dull to sustain. Ram with under confidence said “we can, but if you want to we have to leave right away “Kaire being equally crazy said” Yes!! Hurry! Let’s do it!!
On their Activa , without bag packs or cloths to change the two left for Mussorie 325 Kms from Delhi and drove to live , felt the air , burn of the Sun , Beautiful Sun set to the shine of moon , villagers trying to sleep at 7 pm , lonely rods, huge trucks to the best view of Dheradun at night 12 from Mussorie ! They had the best time in their life, and tried to understand each other. From that day Kaire and Ram become need of each other, to eat they needed each other to fight; they had each other to cry they had each other’s shoulder and to learn they had to protect each other …
Ram was now simply into Kaire and she was ignored for the fact that Sham has been lost in long pages of her eventful amazing life. Her life was perfect!! As beautiful as morning sun!!

The door bell rings, Kaire rushes to open and had prepared a prank for Ram! She wanted to scare his skeleton out of his body; she opened and saw Sham... Right there in front of her …!! To Rams surprise she was not sad but rather happy to see Sham! She hugged him hard and kissed in passion!!

Ram was disturbed, because he knew where this was going and withdraw himself apart. He was scared of the pain of losing Kaire. And Kaire was in her own dream land, annoyed by Rams negligence and his behavior and convinced him to be like what she loved.
It was a beautiful morning for Sham, as he asked Kaire to marry him. All excited and prepared for her next step Kaire said a yes and ran bare foot to tell it to Ram! Ram after hearing such good news could not react as per Kaire’s thought process and went into a shock. Now he knew that she was going, going far-far-far away and could not imagine his life without her!

Time passed and Kaire and Sham got married, Kaire left Ram! Ram was devastated, shattered but still had blessing in his hearth for her and smiled and let her go! Kaire went to her new world and started living her way
But Alas! Kaire was not aware that Ram was what she used to breath, sit, eat, sleep, roam, smile, cry, and dress. Kaire misses Ram but was unsaid inside

She wishes to go to a time machine and live her life again with Ram but that is what happened in Disney land not in real world. Kaire finally realized that when she raised the toast it was Ram who said cheers! And not the Glass was again empty, without the clinch, sound of togetherness missed. Thinking she turned and saw Sham, reflected what she had always prayed for and to a sweet perception, she had everything but still was not happy and satisfied. It took her someday to get back to normal because this time neither was she betrayed not hurt, she had lost her best friend “a loss which could never be recovered ever” .She missed them laugh, fight, care, demand, expect, adventure, discussions and the brilliant time spent. Kaire is rough and she knows she will make it to end but will always curse God to leave a void in her heart! She is married and bounded but her heart is still free to love more and pray more everyday …

Thursday 28 May 2015

Where The Mind is Without Fear !!

To a mind set of strange Indian or if I say customized to the strange rules which is bagged as orthodox or culture or bringing words like roots, I as an independent Indian reckon that they are simply been missed used.
So these rules bend, bend for dimension of interest! And ouch as a new generation I feel accused of doing “wrong” which in deed is not defined.
I have been lucky to be educated and have developed thinking power but yes I can only think because reaction is still protected by “roots” “culture”!! So I as a young generation cannot stabilize thought process. I find myself entangled into the world war of two countries  “ My World “ and  “ the world they want me to think “ To be very clear I don’t mean bad for our culture or society or thinking , but I still want to object on how they use it ! So to my ability of grey matter inside, I think each and every rule has been justified or created due to certain reasons! Now my major is to feel the question why? Say for example I see my mother not eating non vegetarian food in the month of August and claim it with some festival and pooja... I can only reason it as rainy season has bacterial growth and relates to casualties and hence old-gold people restricted us by naming it on religion.
I feel so sorry for so many taboos that sometimes my brain is choked and runs from pillar to post to find fresh thinking. I do not blame my great grandfather to be a part of the clan but yes to my recent elders I do feel to voice the rational thought process and need to be aware.

Another enemy to me is my mother’s favorite word “SOCIETY”! Yes we are social animals and need to be in a society and live with them, not for them! I have always rationalized my instruction, landed up into disasters and great punishments and traumas but to my knowledge today I am a better thinker than many, I find myself rational, Adaptable, I can stable myself in adverse situations and I do have my own set of rules and am very particular to them like bribery, voicing it out is important, forget and forgive and so on and so forth, perhaps list is attached to my left template. Neither do I disagree with any new or old concept; all I do is think... judge and react! I don’t follow
To each individual reading it, I want to voice it out that its time do your own mistakes and have the ability to mend it by “YOU"! Learn from others but do experiment it!! I know prevention is better than cure but that does not mean that you will stop thinking.

When I was in class 8th, one of my favorite teacher asked me to join her in the staffroom (being a revolute I have always been in limelight and those were not my best days either as I was an adolescent. Recently learnt love , had a crush who was least interested in and was devastated by the huge list of subjects to study ) so Mrs. Shukla , my teacher picked up a glass of half filled water and asked me to hold it ! as soon as I stood with the glass in hand she requested me to bring out my arm to a stable 90 degree position and then asked me “ Lady , what do you see in the glass” ! Being the smart one I very proudly announced ma’am this glass is half full not half empty and waited for her to come near me, hug me and say wonderful!  But no she kept on talking!! She again asked “So what happens if you hold this for 3 hours in the same position?” I said: “My hand will start paining!!” She increased the time parameter & continued the conversation “and if you hold the same half filled glass for next 12 hours, what will happen?”  I replied with perplexities “I may need medical attention!” she continued “And if I ask you to hold it for 2 days in the same position with you half filled water, what will happen?” Now getting scared I replied “I may have to cut my hand (I got so restless), but ma’am where is this conversation leading to? “ Then very calmly and with a smile (that I still remember) on her face said “you know this glass whether half filled or empty are your baggage’s! So as long as you hold your baggage, the more you suffer!! Throw them away . And let go things that have hurt you, made you sad, live on forgive and forget and try to spread happiness”
From their till date and I am happy, honest to myself and do not leave thinking!!
So yes! Make your own statement because you have much more to do than you actually feel!! 
PS: If you have your story which changed your life or thinking, I would love to listen it. Please put it in the comment section!! XoXo

Monday 12 August 2013


I have always been passionate about working life, profile, carrier, position but have avoided the realization deep engraved inside the urge to be a kid and go back to graduation days
they do ask... Which phase of your life was most appreciated by you? And always it was difficult to decide as I was unaware of life and situations as a kid to student to post graduate to a working professional!
But since I have seen all the four cycles I would tag on graduation!
nothing was better that a graduate student … lively … innocent … care free… free minded… soft and naughty
its not that , that now I possess none but yes I am more cautious .. Diplomatic ... Harsh … and professional!
In life we do forget small –small details as being happy, conceptualizing that the grass is always green on the other side of the fence and see a half glass empty not full (agggrrr)
It is equally important to be ambitious and competitive but yes not before the maturity comes. I see parents, friends, and relatives, spouses eating your personal space and shedding down their own thoughts, imposing way of dealing problems to being over protective and vigilant. But then I reckon that giving space is very important or say a necessity!! It is not bad to be “protective” or say “vigilant” but killing ones thought process only leads to frustration, agitation and slow growth of thought process…
I have learnt a lot in life and see further to learn more but the medium was less observatory and more by getting involved or in simple terms “Exploring”
to develop and to be a better human we all need to do mistakes 
just don't simply go on with the flow … 



Do blunders!


And most importantly loves yourself … respect your emotions… and never underestimate!!
You Rock (muah :*)

wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are!!

Saturday 1 June 2013


A healthy mind stays in a healthy body!! Yeah even I say it does! But why I want to tone  body is not because I want to stay healthy … make my body a temple … a perfect way to endure my brain and develop in the most healthy way I can, yes I want to do so is because I AM TURNING INTO A COUCH POTATO !!!

Image result for couch potato cartoonWho cares about a healthy body but I do care about the latest trends and a slim figure. I started gaining weight (prior to this a few months back I had a desired living style – eat anything –but you never again!) .Things have changed a lot, now I cannot afford that. I realized it as a biological development and stabilized height factor ruling. The explanation also extends that my height took a constant position to my BMI (BODY MASS INDEX) and started increasing horizontally rather than vertically! Another reason I discovered was reduction in exercise amount, as a kid I had (a) a lot of time to play… (b) Nothing to worry about… (c) Had no boss and... (d) No responsibilities! But now I have all the things changed except the constant plump. Rather my metabolism has also slowed down perhaps. :O
Image result for couch potato cartoon

For the result is nothing but unfit awesome cloths of mine, heavy loss of trendy attire and alas! No money to create a new wardrobe. I think even my popularity is also effected! 
I feel low at motivation and joining gym was a disaster as I merely was dedicated (apart from first 10 days). Well do not reckon that I am types who like lecturing at things me I deficit at. Also influence of social life now a day’s society (especially in Delhi) has turned into nocturnal beings and social life starts when the clock ticks 10 pm. How do you think that workout is actually possible in the morning? >> And if I start counting on the evenings I have, half of my evenings are spend at office! So at the end of the day my schedule has already so many appointments that health specifying activities have no time.
Now after gaining weight where my friends and family have stopped recognizing me and that encloses me the fact that LOOSING weight is now a necessity rather than a hobby >P
So a little fact I skipped is I cannot live without eating non vegetarian food and neither can I resist! @(

So lately, after getting a lot inspired from my best (slim) friend and super sexy bollywood and Hollywood super models, I have pledged to self loss of weight.
The first thing I found was 
losing is not an easy method. This started with drinking a glass of Luke warm water empty stomach, walking to distances approachable and eating less oily food. So I would say reducing is not every body’s cup of tea you need to have great patience and high motivation!!!
And the Fact will always remain that “A HEALTHY BODY CONSISTS A HEALTY BRAIN!” so it is very essential to be fit in today’s world as the competition has taken a different level and to survive you need to be the best (Darwin rocks).
PS: stay healthy live a  longer stylist life ;)